Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31st

400 meter run

Partner up so you can share a kb
EMOM for 5 mins
5-10 air squats
5-10 kb swings

Shoulder pass thrus
Good mornings

EMOM 10 mins
5-10 thrusters
Choose a weight and number of reps and commit to it for the 10 rounds

Jess: Barbell
Tara: Barbell
Sue: Small barbell
Shalonda: 15# Dumbells
Mara: 8# dumbells
Ashely: Medball

AMRAP 3 mins
4 T push-ups
4 V-ups

rest 3 mins

AMRAP 5 mins
OH fence run 25/10# plate
2 burpees
6 jumping lunges

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Goals

We started off the year with a great workout and some goal setting for 2013.  What are your fitness goals for 2013?