Tuesday, December 11, 2012


A Chipper WOD is a workout that is completed in the order of the exercises listed.  It is only one round and is completed for time.  Individual boards were handed out to each athlete with the number of reps listed in descending order starting with 100 reps, then 90 reps…all the way down to 10 reps.  What makes this chipper unique is 10 cards were handed out to each athlete and they got to choose which exercise went next to the number of reps. 
Here were the 10 exercises:
Butt kickers
Medball/KB side-to-side (core exercise)
Tricep dips
Mountain climbers

Here’s what I like about this workout:

1.       It takes the blame off the trainer for the difficulty of the workout because the athlete designed it ;)

2.       It forces the athlete to think about the movements and implement a little strategy into their workout.  (Poor Sue, if you can see her board on the left of the photo above it had 80 squats followed by 70 thrusters followed by 60 lunges, that’s a lot of leg work all in a row!  But she got through it!  Champ!)

3.       Everyone’s workout is a little bit different and personalized.   
They all started off with 100 singles (very smart)
Mid-wod, everyone in action
This workout was completed on 10.3.12

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