Saturday, July 7, 2012

"J.T." @ Crossfit Miami Beach

Recently my friend Kami and I visited Crossfit Miami Beach.  We were please to see the wod posted for the day was the hero wod "J.T." which is 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups, Ring dips and Push-ups.  Both of us had never done this wod before and we thought it looked right in our wheelhouse.  We were wrong...  This was a four minute wod in our head, but turned into a 15+ minute wod in real life.  You know those workouts that look pretty easy on paper and then turn out to be one of the hardest you've ever done?  This was one of those.  We both completed the first set of 21 handstand push-ups strict and unbroken.  Then we were done.. our shoulders were shot.  By the time I got back to the second set of 15 handstand pushups I had to do singles and kip each one.  I felt like I was never going to finish.  Oh yea, and it was super humid..we pretty much never stopped sweating for the rest of our trip..

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Meal Favorites

Here are some of my favorites and why:

Chipotle Grilled Chicken Salad
1. It's paleo (minus the sour cream, I can't help it)
2. It's fresh
3. It's fast

Cobb Salad
I have since started substituting the blue cheese you can see in the middle of this salad with extra egg or extra meat.  The dressing is balsamic vinaigrette.

Grain free chocolate cookies
Mei ( made these the other night.  I ate about 5 of them in a second.  I also promised a lot of people I would bring them some, but I ended up eating them all.  Now I'm indebted to many crossfitters and coworkers about 100 "paleo" cookies.  Hope Mei will make more soon!

Spicy Chicken & Bulgogi

Why I Crossfit

Do you ever feel like you are just going through the motions of "working out" when you get to the gym?  I did.  I had about 4-5 routines that I rotated through each week.  It worked for a few months, meaning I was seeing results like my shoulders getting bigger and other muscle groups getting more defined.  However, I was missing two crucial elements in my workouts:

1: A workout out partner, someone to push me harder than I would push myself.  Also someone who could spot me to help me lift weights that are heavier than I am used to and also for safety (not letting a dumbbell fall on my face).

2: Constant variation in my workouts.  Chest and shoulders were my favorite routines so I often hit those more often than others.

Both of these elements were covered when I started crossfit and in a big way.

The definition of crossfit as I remember it from my first weekend of on-ramp (the intro to crossfit classes) is "functional movements that are constantly varied and completed at a high intensity."  First off, you don't just get one workout partner when you join crossfit.. you get about 10 to 15 plus a couple of coaches each time you go in.  Every day I know that I'm pushing myself harder than I normally would if I were to attempt the same workout on my own, guaranteed!  Second, each workout is different.  There are hundreds of different movements in crossfit, some you love, some you hate and you never know what you're gonna get.  Adding these two elements back into my workout routines has  worked really well for me.  I honestly feel like I am the strongest and in the best shape of my life right now and there is always going to be room for improvements.

Here are some examples of movements I never thought I'd be able to do before crossfit forced me to challenge myself.

Muscle ups
15 meter handstand walk
Clean and jerk 215 #'s
Butterfly pullups
Double unders

If you are thinking of starting crossfit my advice is JUST DO IT! Look up crossfit gyms in your area and call them/email them right now and ask when the best time to drop into a class would be.  Then GO!  You don't not need to be in shape before you go.  No one will yell at you and make you cry or puke.  Every workout can be scaled to your level of fitness.  So stop making excuses!!  Oh yea, it's a lot of fun too and you'll meet some pretty cool people.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Mega Losers

The Mega Losers is a group of four women who decided to put together a weight loss competition at work. In a nutshell, they all throw $100 in a pot and the person who loses the most weight by the end of the 12 week period wins.  When I caught wind of this competition I approached one of the participants and offered to start training her once a week.  She accepted.  After our first training session the other three caught on to what we were up to and asked if they could join.  Of course I said yes.  Now we all train twice a week.  Every Tuesday and Friday right after work in our company parking lot.

Here is our very first workout:

Session 1 (60 mins):

Warm up:
200 meter run

Form a straight line – all working:
ü  Pull knee up into chest
ü  Butt kickers back

ü  Samson stretch
ü  Side lunges left to right
ü  High knees back

Form a line – one person working at a time:
ü  Karaoke
ü  10 wire box step ups
ü  Karaoke

ü  Leap frogs
ü  10 air squats
ü  Leap frogs

With a Partner:
ü  Squat hold & 20 OH squats 
ü  Switch
ü  Plank (sub hollow hold for bad wrists) & 20 Sit ups
ü  Switch

Skill work:
ü  Jump Rope

Movement work:
ü  Thrusters

6 minute AMRAP
ü  10 Dumbbell thrusters
ü  10 curb jumps
ü  10 Mountain climbers 
ü  100 meter run

I learned a lot about my Mega Losers (that's what they call themselves) during this workout.  From the very beginning some of them were complaining about how their feet hurt from the 200 meter warm up run.  I did not anticipate this.  In my head I was thinking "how do I scale down a warm up run??"  I don't want them the just be walking.  I've learned to come up with quick substitutes for movements that can put someone at risk of an injury, but I was stumped at this one.  I told them they just need to start getting used to running (hoping that was the right advice).  Turns out, 12 weeks later they are all sprinting 400 meters as their warm up and not complaining about it at all.  I actually think the warm up run is now their favorite part of the workouts now :)

My Diet

I started crossfit in November 2011.  I always thought I ate fairly healthy until I heard about the paleo diet and started learning about what I was putting into my body.  The worst part of my diet was sugar.  I have a sweet tooth and would always have a bag of sour candy in my office.  Now I know that sugar is like poison to our bodies.  Ever since I have drastically cut down on my sugar intake and also cut most carbs I have seen positive results in my physique and overall fitness level.  My diet is pretty simple, eat a lot of food, but in small portions throughout the day.  Keep the meals high in protein and get carbs from vegetables.  Also, fat is good.

Here's an example of my typical day:

7:30AM - Protein shake (whey or progenex mixed with coconut milk) & 2 or 3 scrambled eggs with 1/2 of an avocado.

9:00AM - A half cup of roasted almonds, banana and a cup of coffee.

11:30AM - A serving of protein (usually grilled chicken, but today I had rack of lamb yummmm) with steamed vegetables (squash, carrots, mushrooms).

1:30PM - Three meatballs with tomato sauce, steamed broccoli and carrots and potato salad.

3:30PM - small serving of roasted almonds and cup of coffee.

4:30PM -(same as 11:30PM) A serving of protein with steamed vegetables (squash & mushrooms).

7:00PM - one banana (pre workout)

8:30PM - Protein shake (post workout)

9:30PM -A serving of protein with steamed vegetables (squash, mushrooms) w/ a glass of coconut milk.

10:30PM - Coconut Milk Ice Cream...I can't help it.  I get this late night craving every night!!

I usually eat a hand full of nuts later in the evening too.  Either, sunflower seeds, walnuts or almonds.

I drink a lot of water throughout the day, approximately 18 glasses.  That doesn't include my protein shakes and coconut water I drink with dinner.

After writing all this out it looks like a lot of food.  I am very lucky to have a wonderful fiance to loves to cook for me.  She usually prepares all my meals on Sunday evening and we package them up into about 8 - 10 tupperware containers.  Her blog is


Stinsanity is a crossfit inspired workout program designed to make fitness fun and produce results. Established in April of 2012, Stinsanity has been transforming bodies all over the Bay Area.  Each workout consists of a warm-up (ideally warming up the movements that will be in our main workout (the WOD), core work, skill, strength or mobility work and then the work out of the day (WOD). Each WOD can be anywhere from 5-30 minutes long and each session is about 1 hour (check out the WOD Archives to see some of our past workouts).  I absolutely love it when my clients tell me that our workouts are now a priority in their lives now and not optional.  Watching people transform and get excited about accomplishing goals they never thought attainable is very rewarding.  I strongly believe that fitness should be a part of everyone's life.

One day I heard one of the girls I train say to another employee, "You should try Stinsanity!"  She was referring to my workouts and I thought it was pretty funny and creative.  My last name is Stinson and she combined that with the Insanity exercise infomercial.  I told her I was going to use that name and pay her royalties if I ever become famous ;)  Thanks Kristy.