Saturday, July 7, 2012

"J.T." @ Crossfit Miami Beach

Recently my friend Kami and I visited Crossfit Miami Beach.  We were please to see the wod posted for the day was the hero wod "J.T." which is 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups, Ring dips and Push-ups.  Both of us had never done this wod before and we thought it looked right in our wheelhouse.  We were wrong...  This was a four minute wod in our head, but turned into a 15+ minute wod in real life.  You know those workouts that look pretty easy on paper and then turn out to be one of the hardest you've ever done?  This was one of those.  We both completed the first set of 21 handstand push-ups strict and unbroken.  Then we were done.. our shoulders were shot.  By the time I got back to the second set of 15 handstand pushups I had to do singles and kip each one.  I felt like I was never going to finish.  Oh yea, and it was super humid..we pretty much never stopped sweating for the rest of our trip..

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