Friday, February 8, 2013

Benchmark Friday! (Friday, February 8th)

It's Benchmark Friday!

Today we completed a workout that has become a Stinsanity benchmark workout.  This is the 3rd time this workout has been programed.

The athlete spends 1 minute at each station and keeps a continuous count of the number of reps completed.
- Step ups (20" box)
- Medicine ball thrusters (10#)
- Singles
- Weighted bent row
- Dips
After a minute at each station has been completed everyone completes a fence run (100 meter sprint) followed by exactly one minute of rest time.  This is repeated for three rounds and the three scores are added together for the total score.

Today's results:
Tara: 179+190+200 = 569 (+140 reps! from 6/15/12 results)
Kristy: 125+125+169 = 419 (+64 reps! from 6/15/12 results)
Marie: 95+76+80 = 251
Sue: 127+133+133 = 393
Mara: 115+60+100 = 275
Erica: 135+135+153 = 423

Gettin some core work in before the workout.  6 stations: L-sit, sit-ups, plank, superman, hollow rock & hollow hold.  30 seconds on/30 seconds rest, 2 rounds.  There's actually a 7th member also doing some sit-ups in this photo, can you spot her?

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