Meet Hinh & Patrick. These two have made a ton of progress in the last three months. In addition to their weekly commitments to fitness, they both have made great improvements to their diets. Some of the diet changes include, making sure to eat breakfast no later than one hour from waking up, portion control (4-5 smaller meals throughout the day vs. two very large meals per day) and eating more vegetables. They both have great attitudes and are a pleasure to work with.
Here is our workout from today:
L-Sit re-test
Past Results: 30/20/20 seconds (patrick)
2 TGU’s (Turkish Get-Ups)
3 rounds
RESULTS (L-Sit):Hinh: :30/:23/:28
Patrick: 1:01/:25/:25 <-- 31 second PR!
(personal record)
8 min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
even: 5 burpees
odd: 10 sit-ups
For time:
20 dumbell snatches @ 20#
8 Bleacher runs
10 dumbell snatches @ 20#
6 Bleacher runs
20 dumbell snatches @ 15#
4 Bleacher runs
10 dumbell snatches @ 15#
2 Bleacher runs
Patrick: 5:31
Hinh: 5:39
8 min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
even: 5 burpees
odd: 10 sit-ups
For time:
20 dumbell snatches @ 20#
8 Bleacher runs
10 dumbell snatches @ 20#
6 Bleacher runs
20 dumbell snatches @ 15#
4 Bleacher runs
10 dumbell snatches @ 15#
2 Bleacher runs
Patrick: 5:31
Hinh: 5:39
Part C was pretty exciting to watch. This WOD was a combination of strength and endurance/speed. Hinh had an early lead making the 20# dumbell snatches look like feather weight, but Patrick later caught up as he sprinted up and down the bleachers like it was nothing. They started their final two bleacher runs at the same time! It's great to see how two people can push each other to get better and work harder. Well done gentlemen.
These guys look awesome! You can really tell a difference. Good job guys :D