Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Let's Get Started!

Are you interested in personal training and/or fitness classes?  Are you tired of going to the gym and doing the same workouts you've always done?  Or maybe you're not sure if you're using all those machines the proper way?  If yes, it's time to try something new and change up your workout routine or maybe just add a workout routine to your busy schedule.  Good news, your first class is freeeeee!  It will give you a good idea of the type of movements we focus on and the type of workout you can expect to get from every session.  I currently live in Fremont, CA and typically meet my clients at a location near them.  Our workouts can be completed almost anywhere, a park, school, track or parking lot.  I will provide all the equipment we will need.  It doesn't get much easier than this to get started.  Convince yourself to stop making excuses and start focusing on you and your health.  Email me at AndrewMarkStinson@gmail.com for more information and to set up your free session.  I look forward to meeting you.
One of my classes at All-Guard Alarm Systems, Inc.

Common excuses:
I need to get into shape before starting.
No you do not, this is your first step to getting into shape.
I'm too old.
Fitness is meant for all ages.  Each workout can be scaled fit your body's range of motion and strength.  Would you like to be able to pick up your grandkids and not worry about hurting your back?  If yes, this will help.
I don't have time.
This is by far the most common excuse.  Each session is only 50 minutes long.  Make it a priority.  Most things can wait 50 minutes.  
I have to watch my dog.
Dogs are welcome to come along and enjoy the show.  

Monday, February 25, 2013

Football Friday!

February 15, 2013

Today was Football Friday!  We played football and ran some receiving drills as part of our warm up.  It's important to play sports in addition to exercising.  It's the exercise that should make you better at playing sports or any other fun activities.  Don't just be good at exercising, go out and try new sports!

Here is our workout for the day:

6 min EMOM (alternating)
20 Lateral barbell jumps
20 Incline push-ups

21 back squats @ 65#
800 meter run
100 singles
21 back squats
Shalonda 14:13 Rx
Jesseca 7:23 Rx
Tara 9:04 Rx
Sue 9:14 (35#)
Erica 7:30 (35#)
Kristy 11:06 Rx
Mara 13:05 (Rx/35#)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hinh & Patrick

Meet Hinh & Patrick.  These two have made a ton of progress in the last three months.  In addition to their weekly commitments to fitness, they both have made great improvements to their diets.  Some of the diet changes include, making sure to eat breakfast no later than one hour from waking up, portion control (4-5 smaller meals throughout the day vs. two very large meals per day) and eating more vegetables.  They both have great attitudes and are a pleasure to work with.  

Here is our workout from today:

L-Sit re-test
Past Results: 30/20/20 seconds (patrick)
2 TGU’s (Turkish Get-Ups)
3 rounds
RESULTS (L-Sit):Hinh: :30/:23/:28
Patrick: 1:01/:25/:25 <-- 31 second PR! 
(personal record)

8 min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
even: 5 burpees
odd: 10 sit-ups

For time:
20 dumbell snatches @ 20#
8 Bleacher runs
10 dumbell snatches @ 20#
6 Bleacher runs
20 dumbell snatches @ 15#
4 Bleacher runs
10 dumbell snatches @ 15#
2 Bleacher runs

Patrick: 5:31
Hinh: 5:39

Part C was pretty exciting to watch. This WOD was a combination of strength and endurance/speed. Hinh had an early lead making the 20# dumbell snatches look like feather weight, but Patrick later caught up as he sprinted up and down the bleachers like it was nothing. They started their final two bleacher runs at the same time! It's great to see how two people can push each other to get better and work harder. Well done gentlemen.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Benchmark Friday! (Friday, February 8th)

It's Benchmark Friday!

Today we completed a workout that has become a Stinsanity benchmark workout.  This is the 3rd time this workout has been programed.

The athlete spends 1 minute at each station and keeps a continuous count of the number of reps completed.
- Step ups (20" box)
- Medicine ball thrusters (10#)
- Singles
- Weighted bent row
- Dips
After a minute at each station has been completed everyone completes a fence run (100 meter sprint) followed by exactly one minute of rest time.  This is repeated for three rounds and the three scores are added together for the total score.

Today's results:
Tara: 179+190+200 = 569 (+140 reps! from 6/15/12 results)
Kristy: 125+125+169 = 419 (+64 reps! from 6/15/12 results)
Marie: 95+76+80 = 251
Sue: 127+133+133 = 393
Mara: 115+60+100 = 275
Erica: 135+135+153 = 423

Gettin some core work in before the workout.  6 stations: L-sit, sit-ups, plank, superman, hollow rock & hollow hold.  30 seconds on/30 seconds rest, 2 rounds.  There's actually a 7th member also doing some sit-ups in this photo, can you spot her?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday, February 7th

Today's workout:

Alternating Tabata
Dips/Air squats

Back squats (in groups of 3)
(20 minutes)

10 min AMRAP
10 ground to overhead with a plate (25/10#)
1 fence run
10 v-ups

Some action shots from tonight's workout

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday, February 1st

TEAM WOD (30 min cap):
For time:
100 push press while partner holds a squat
200 sit-ups while partner holds a 25# plate overhead
300 singles while partner holds plank

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31st

400 meter run

Partner up so you can share a kb
EMOM for 5 mins
5-10 air squats
5-10 kb swings

Shoulder pass thrus
Good mornings

EMOM 10 mins
5-10 thrusters
Choose a weight and number of reps and commit to it for the 10 rounds

Jess: Barbell
Tara: Barbell
Sue: Small barbell
Shalonda: 15# Dumbells
Mara: 8# dumbells
Ashely: Medball

AMRAP 3 mins
4 T push-ups
4 V-ups

rest 3 mins

AMRAP 5 mins
OH fence run 25/10# plate
2 burpees
6 jumping lunges